When registering a DNS server, the following specific properties are available.
- Port
This is usually the standard DNS port 53
- Statistics Port
This port is used to request the XML BIND9 statistics. Usually 8053 is used here. If Statistics Port is left empty, Admin4 will not try to retrieve statistics from the BIND9 server and you'll have to register zones manually.
- Catalog Zones
A comma separated list of catalog zones
- Key name, Key, Algorithm
The key as configured in the server prerequisites should be entered here. The key is a 24 character sequence (for 128bit keys), ending with "==". Both are often in a file /etc/bind/rndc.key or similar, unless you generated a key yourself. if Key name is left empty, DDNS updates are performed without key and will probably fail unless IP-based access is allowed.
- Timeout
restricts the time Admin4 waits for a server answer. For zone transfers, this time is multiplied by 10 internally.
- Auto connect
lets Admin4 connect this server automatically when the application starts.